“Michigan’s Senators and Congressmen argue that an auto industry bailout would be another form of economic ‘stimulus,’" explains Barr. "We can’t afford more of this sort of ‘stimulus.’" Bob Barr http://www.lp.org/news/press-releases/no-auto-industry-bailout-says-bob-barr

Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value--zero. Francois Marie Arouet de Voltaire http://www.strike-the-root.com/71/allport/allport10.html

Socialism is the longest and most painful path from Capitalism to Capitalism. Robert Littell

Those who preach the virtue of sacrifice know full well that sacrifices require givers and takers. THEY intend to be the takers. Dr. Michael Hurd Cheaters Never Prosper

Your future just called. It says to send money. Anchor Bank Roadside advertisement sign (Anchor Bank?)

Reality-Based Reality Is Best http://www.freemarksteyn.com/

The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds; the pessimist knows it J. Robert Oppenheimer

Fuel that allows fire may define what a fire entails, but it doesn't stop it from spreading to other kinds of fuel Bridget Armozel Does a life force or 'soul' exist?

People who can't remember what it's like to be kids shouldn't have them. Period. Erica Schulz How do you view Objectivism & Parenting

The public be damned. I am working for my stockholders. If the public want the train, why don't they pay for it?  William H. Vanderbilt http://www.coyoteblog.com/coyote_blog/2005/06/the_public_be_d.html

I owe the public nothing. John Pierpont Morgan

In centuries of brotherly love, democracy and peace, the Swiss produced only the cuckoo clock. Orson Welles

If a state is governed by the principles of reason, poverty and misery are subjects of shame; if a state is not governed by the principles of reason, riches and honors are the subjects of shame. Confucius As quoted by Henry David Thoreau in "Resistance to Civil Government."

I don't belong to you, and you don't belong to me George Michael See Video Here! Freedom

As someone who lived under communism for most of his life, I feel obliged to say that I see the biggest threat to freedom, democracy, the market economy and prosperity now in ambitious environmentalism, not in communism. This ideology wants to replace the free and spontaneous evolution of mankind by a sort of central (now global) planning. Vaclav Klaus http://www.ft.com/cms/s/9deb730a-19ca-11dc-99c5-000b5df10621.html

There are about 300 Million Americans, and 300 Million Arabs. If you subtract out oil, the Arab "GNP" is less than the 5 Million people of Finland, less than the total worth of Nokia. What is wrong with this culture? Lawrence Wright "Profiles in Terror," BOOK TV, 2007 L.A. Times Festival of Books

...the mainspring of all our actions is, after all, self-interest. Leo Tolstoy through Levin in "Anna Karenina"

New York City can't be stagnant, we can never let that happen. If that happens, you might as well give it up and move, go someplace else. Donald Trump http://www.ny1.com/ny1/content/index.jsp?stid=1&aid=69087

From each according to his ability, to each according to his contribution. Charles G. Koch Laissez-Faire Books Newsletter

Our concept is more to accomplish and solve things, rather than giving — that is, not going around like Santa Claus. Poverty isn't solved with donations. Carlos Slim Helú Wikipedia

I left the world of faith, of genital cutting and forced marriage for the world of reason and sexual emancipation. After making this voyage I know that one of these two worlds is simply better than the other. Not for its gaudy gadgetry, but for its fundamental values. Ayaan Hirsi Ali Infidel

"It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker, that we can expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest. ... By directing that industry in such a manner as its produce may be of greatest value, he intends only his own gain, and he is in this, as in many other cases, led by an invisible hand to promote an end which was no part of his intention."  Adam Smith The Wealth of Nations

We shall build good ships here. At a profit — if we can. At a loss — if we must. But always good ships. Collis P. Huntington On founding the Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company.

If you can't scratch your own itch, the free market will. Neil McAllister

There is no such thing as Objectivism Ayn Rand The Art of Nonfiction, p 27

"Poverty has no cause. Only prosperity has causes." Jane Jacobs The Economy of Cities

All the reasons which make the initiation of physical force an evil, make the retaliatory use of physical force a moral imperative. Ayn Rand Capitalism: Who Needs It?- The Nature of Government

Accept the fact that the achievement of your happiness is the only moral purpose of your life, and that happiness—not pain or mindless self-indulgence—is the proof of your moral integrity, since it is the proof and the result of your loyalty to the achievement of your values. Ayn Rand Atlas Shrugged, "This Is John Galt Speaking"

Lots to do! Beat the Germans! Save the world! Don't forget the welfare state! The Doctor The Doctor Dances (Doctor Who, Season 27, Episode 10)

"One of the hardest parts of my job is to connect Iraq to the war on terror." George W. Bush http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2006/09/06/eveningnews/main1979106.shtml

"The skyline of New York is a monument of a splendor that no pyramids or palaces will ever equal or approach. But America's skyscrapers were not built by public funds nor for a public purpose: they were built by the energy, initiative and wealth of private individuals for personal profit. And, instead of impoverishing the people, these skyscrapers, as they rose higher and higher, kept raising the people's standard of living ..." Ayn Rand

I observed on one of the drums belonging to the marines being raised that there was painted a rattlesnake with this modest motto under it "don’t tread on me". It occurred to me that the rattlesnake, being found in no other quarter of the world besides America, might therefore be chosen to represent her. Having frequently seen the rattlesnake I ran over in my mind every property by which she was distinguished. I recollect that her eye excelled in brightness that of any other animal, and that she has no eye lids, she may therefore be esteemed an emblem of vigilance. She never begins an attack, nor when once engaged never surrenders, she is therefore en emblem of magnanimity and true courage. As if anxious to prevent all pretentions of quarreling with her the weapons with which nature has furnished her she conceals in the roof of her mouth, so that to those unacquainted with her she appears to be a most defenseless animal and even when they are shown and extended for her defense they appear weak and contemptible, but their wounds however small are decisive and fatal. Conscious of this she never wounds until she has generously given notice even to her enemy and cautioned him against the danger of treading on her. I counted the rattles ... and found them just 13, exact the number of colonies united in America, and I recollected too, that this was the only part of the snake that increases in numbers. ... Tis curious and amazing to observe how distinct and independent of each other the rattles of this animal are and yet how firmly they are united together so as to never be separated but by breaking them to pieces. One of those rattles singly is incapable of producing sound, but the ringing of thirteen together is sufficient to alarm the boldest man living. The rattlesnake is solitary and associates with her kind only when it is necessary for their preservation. In winter the warmth of a number together will preserve their lives, while singly they would probably perish. The power of fascination attributed to her by her a generous construction may be understood to mean that those who consider the liberty and blessing which America affords and once come over to her never afterwards leave her, but spend their lives with her. She strongly resembles America in this, that she is beautiful in youth and her beauty increaseth with her age, her tongue is blue and forked as the lightning, and her abode is among impenetrable rocks. Benjamin Franklin The Completed Autobiography

The only wealth is life. Henry David Thoreau Investor Words Quote of the Day -- http://www.investorwords.com

I will not abandon a previous approach whose logic I understand, even though it may mean forgoing large, and apparently easy, profits to embrace an approach which I don't fully understand, and have not practiced successfully. Warren Buffett Investor Words Quote of the Day -- http://www.investorwords.com

This is the end of Western civilization. Lewis Douglas (US Budget Director) Steel, Ronald (1980). Walter Lippmann and the American century, Little, Brown and Company.

The cost of a network increases in proportion to the number of nodes, but the value of a network increases in proportion to the square of the number of nodes. Metcalfe's Law Investor Words Quote of the Day -- http://www.InvestorWords.com

“The Randian strategic view is… before you can do anything politically you have to have everyone agree with Randian philosophy; free will, concept and percept and all the other crap… Since you are not going to have that in practice you have just regular statists.” Murray N. Rothbard http://mises.org:88/Rothbard1989

If a soda and a candy bar each cost a dollar, and you've got one dollar, you have to choose. If you have two dollars, you can have both Joseph Rowlands From The meaning of life by, Joe Rowlands

The nail that sticks up gets hammered down. Japanese Proverb deru kugi wa utareru

Collaboration of the more talented, more able, and more industrious with the less talented, less able, and less industrious results in benefit for both. The gains derived from the division of labor are always mutual. Ludwig von Mises Human Action

Those who condemn wealth are those who have none and see no chance of getting it. William Penn Patrick Investor Words Quote of the Day -- http://www.InvestorWords.com

Most governments have historically been giant schemes of organized crime, in which a small class of politically connected individuals uses their coercive power to fleece everyone else. Robert Tracinski The Intellectual Activist Daily, December 22, 2005

In the search for companies to acquire, we adopt the same attitude one might find appropriate in looking for a spouse: it pays to be active, interested, and open-minded, but it does not pay to be in a hurry. Warren Buffett Investor Words Quote of the Day -- http://www.investorwords.com

Poverty often deprives a man of all spirit and virtue; it is hard for an empty bag to stand upright. Benjamin Franklin Investor Words Quote of the Day -- http://www.investorwords.com

The Soviet Union suddenly collapsed in 1989, when owing to the inability of communism to create wealth, the state went bankrupt, was unable to maintain its army and hold its empire together. In France, the same thing might be happening. Paul Belien "France's Toll of Destruction, Brussels Journal, November 18, 2005

The government who robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul. George Bernard Shaw Investor Words Quote of the Day http://www.investorwords.com

Get to know two things about a man. How he earns his money and how he spends it. You will then have the clue to his character. You will have a searchlight that shows up the inmost recesses of his soul. You know all you need to know about his standards, his motives, his driving desires, his real religion. Robert McCracken Investor Words Quote of the Day http://www.investorwords.com

I sing from the heart... I sing the words of a song and really feel them, from the top of my head to the tip of my toes... I sing as though my life depends on it, and if I ever stop doing that then I'll stop living Mario Lanza

No people in history have ever survived who thought they could protect their freedom by making themselves inoffensive to their enemies.  Dean Acheson

What is wrong with inciting intense dislike of a religion if the activities or teachings of that religion are so outrageous, irrational or abusive of human rights that they deserve to be intensely disliked?  Rowan Atkinson Rowan Atkinson, speaking to the House of Lords last month in opposition to the Blair government's Racial and Religious Hatred Bill.