I'm not sure if this guy is for real or not. If he is trying to play satire he's terrible at it. If his conviction is honest, he's merely a dope. This certainly does not fit as a news item, but Rand is mentioned so I thought best to place it here.(Read more...)
In Newsweek: "As Washington's economic dictator says in Ayn Rand's far-sighted novel Atlas Shrugged, 'We've got to stand still. We've got to make those bastards stand still!'" (Read more...)
I subscribe to "Dumb Little Man" on my iGoogle homepage. It's a blog that shares sundry tips here and there. Anyway, tonight there was the blog entry titled "So What Really Is the Meaning of Life?" Being the Philosophically-minded person I am, I couldn't resist clicking it. http://www.dumblittleman.com/2008/05/s...(Read more...)
This hyper-links to the "socialism" entry of the on-line Ayn Rand Lexicon. It appears that Mark Levin was reading right off of this page, with a slightly re-arranged order of quotations. Levin praised Rand as an extraordinary intellect, or something very similarly worded. He said she was an excellent "libertaria...(Read more...)
This wasn't a "sighting" per se but it was invigorating -- while driving in my car -- to hear, on KTLK FM 100.3, Jason Lewis ranting about the socialization of Minnesota. At one point he said [paraphrased from memory]:
...(Read more...)