After some commenters posted critiques of my use of various forms of "misintegrate" in my Amazon review of Borat! I decided to spread the presence of this neologism. (Read more...)
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athaway, Anne
Anne Hathaway: "...My favorite book in the world is "Atlas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand" (Read more...)
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uent Cordair Galleries
Representing about 30 Romantic Realist creators of paintings, sculpture and other art, QCFA receives mentions all over the Objectivist blogscape, and rightfully so. (Read more...)
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(6 messages)

mber Heard
Twenty-one year old actress and star of Hidden Palms, scheduled to premiere on The CW on May 30, 2007, Amber Heard is also an Ayn Rand Fan.
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(7 messages)

enn & Teller
They are crisp, clean and clear, rational illusionists. While most magicians play a hokey mystical role, they are right in your face, and they doubledog dare you to figure out how they did it. That is pure enjoyment for a rational, questioning mind. (Read more...)
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(10 messages)

agny Taggarts
Things named "Dagny Taggart." (Read more...)
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(4 messages)

rman, Suze
Promoting better living through the integration of finance and self-esteem. Do you know your credit score? (Read more...)
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(1 message)

illette, Penn
Esp? Bottled Water? More government interference? Censorship? BULLSHIT! (Read more...)
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(16 messages)

imbaugh, Rush
Conservative pundit, Ayn Rand admirer. (Read more...)
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(17 messages)

uestion, The
A comicbook superhero created by Objectivist Steve Ditko, who clearly exemplifies Objectivist virtues such as dedication and commitment to truth and justice. (Read more...)
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(12 messages)

r. A
One of Steve Ditko's finest and most explicitly Objectivist comic characters. (Read more...)
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(5 messages)

Wikipedia, the free online encyclopedia. It was founded by Objectivist entrepreneur Jimmy "Jimbo" Wales. It's changed the way the internet works, and companies around the world are adopting similar mechanisms for their own use.
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(23 messages)

ustice League Unlimited
The new Justice League Unlimited cartoon series features The Question, a character created by Steve Ditko. The character originally was an exponent of Objectivist ideas. He's portrayed in this series as a conspiracy nut. In an episode titled "Question Authority", he shows his Objectivist roots by breaking into a spe... (Read more...)
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(2 messages)

ales, Jimmy "Jimbo"
Objectivist internet entrepreneur, best known for founding Wikipedia. (Read more...)
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(3 messages)

icci, Christina
This is part of the "Read" series of posters available from the America Library Association, in an attempt to promote reading. Christina Ricci poses here with her favorite book, The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand.
... (Read more...)
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(6 messages)

tossel, John
John Stossel has been an effective promoter of liberty and rationality to a huge mainstream audience. He routinely does special one-hour programs on controversial topics. (Read more...)
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(2 messages)

reenspan, Alan
Alan Greenspan is the Chairman of the US Federal Reserve, and was once a part of Ayn Rand's inner circle. (Read more...)
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(13 messages)

entzer, Mike
Bodybuilding champion and Objectivist Mike Mentzer continues to stand as an example of actualized potential both intellectually and physically. (Read more...)
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(38 messages)

oodkind, Terry
Objectivist and author of the successful Sword of Truth series of fantasy fiction books, Terry Goodkind manages to put Objectivist principles into his stories. As the series progresses, his main character Richard, becomes more and more explicit with his Objectivist ideas.
... (Read more...)
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(37 messages)

ltimate Warrior
The wrestler known as "The Ultimate Warrior" gave a thoroughly brilliant political and philosophical speech on CSPAN a year ago, and actually discussed Ayn Rand at length! (Read more...)
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(4 messages)

The progressive rock band Rush has included in its repertoire a Rand-influenced lyrical content. On the album 2112, for example, there is an explicit "acknowledgment to the genius of Ayn Rand." Neil Peart, the band's lyricist and drummer, expresses a Randian pedigree in such compositions as "Anthem" and "The Trees." ... (Read more...)
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(11 messages)

iller, Frank
Comic artist Frank Miller—famous for the Batman "Dark Knight" series, Daredevil series, and Ronin series—has stated that he owes a creative debt to Ayn Rand. He credits Rand’s book, The Romantic Manifesto as having helped him to define the nature of the literary hero and the legitimacy of heroic fiction. In such works ... (Read more...)
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(7 messages)

itko, Steve
No comic artist has been better known for incorporating Randian themes in his work than Steve Ditko, co-creator, with Stan Lee, of "Spider-Man." Among Ditko’s comic book heroes, one will find Static, The Creeper, The Blue Beetle, and Mr. A (as in "A is A"), as well as the faceless crime fighter known as The Question, a... (Read more...)
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(4 messages)

impsons, The
The longest running animated show in television history, The Simpsons, featured a Rand reference in "A Streetcar Named Marge." As William Irwin and J. R. Lombardo tell us in The Simpsons and Philosophy:
... (Read more...)
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