Paul Krugman "Economics is Not a Morality Play" from the oxymoronically named column "The Conscience of a Liberal"
So I came to my Christian faith later in life, and it was because the precepts of Jesus Christ spoke to me in terms of the kind of life that I would want to lead - being my brothers' and sisters' keeper ... . And I think also understanding that Jesus Christ dying for my sins spoke to the humility we all have to have as human beings, that we're sinful and we're flawed and we make mistakes, and that we achieve salvation through the grace of God. President Barack Obama http://www.startribune.com/politics/national/103938653.html?elr=KArks8c7PaP3iUMEaPc:E7_ec7PaP3iUiacyKUnciaec8O7EyUr
Some conservative legal thinkers like Justice Scalia and Justice Thomas think that the Constitution means what it originally meant. That means we should understand the document by going into a kind of ‘Time Machine’ and capturing the public understanding of the public that ratified the document a century or more than a century ago. Cass Sunstein http://notalemming.wordpress.com/2010/09/26/cass-sunstein-most-conservatives-view-of-the-constitution-requires-a-time-machine/
Bill O'Reilly Spoken on the O'Reilly Factor TV show 9-20-2010
... the shared values that we all hold so dear. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, endowed with certain inalienable rights, life and liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That's what makes us unique. That's what makes us strong. The ability to recognize our common humanity. President Barack Obama http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kd7ZQZxDhjk
Jim Henshaw private email, Libertarian Party of Hawaii discussion group
Ben Stein
"Attorney Brittney Horstman was not packing heat. She was wearing an underwire bra. And when the metal detector went off on a visit to the Miami Federal Detention Center, security guards wouldn't let Horstman in to see her client. The attorney reminded guards of a detention center ``memo'' allowing female attorneys wearing an underwire bra to enter. But the guards would not relent. Horstman stepped into a bathroom and removed her bra. In blouse and jacket, she returned, and cleared the walk-through detector. Again, guards refused to let her pass -- now, because she was braless, which is against prison dress code guidelines." Jay Weaver "Wrong bra, no bra: Jail bars lawyer ", MiamiHerald.com
Sheldon Richman " Paying for Tax Cuts? Whose money is it?", The Freeman Online
Ayn Rand LibertyTree.ca
“There are times where you can afford to redecorate your house, and there are times where you need to focus on rebuilding the foundation.” President Barack Obama Barack Obama, February 2009
Bret Stephens http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703369704575461283206035848.html
" ‘From almost any page of Atlas Shrugged,” Whittaker Chambers wrote here 53 years ago, “a voice can be heard, from painful necessity, commanding: ‘To a gas chamber — go!’” What he did not write is that Ayn Rand throws in a gas chamber. It’s about two-thirds through, in a chapter called “The Moratorium on Brains,” than which I reread no farther. (Our president seems to have inspired — which is not quite the word — half the country to read Miss Rand, and I wanted to remind myself what she was teaching them.)" Jason L. Steorts National Review Online, "The Great Ghastly Rand"
Mike Mentzer High-Intensity Training the Mike Mentzer Way by John Little
Barbara Demick "Nothing to Envy: Ordinary Lives in North Korea", pages 106-107
"It is a feeling to be hunted. They come in uniforms . . . " Marta Jaworski reason.com, "Sorry, But Our Zoning Regulations Forbid You From Celebrating Your Freedom"
“I have been led to the conclusion that as long as a philosopher does not carry out his analysis of measurable objects to the point where the mathematician can find unities, measures, and dimensions he must surely still be hanging on to some confusion, or at least the predicates of his propositions do not apply uniformly to the subjects.” —J.H. Lambert to Kant (Feb. 3, 1766) Lambert
Tonight, we gather to affirm the greatness of our nation - not because of the height of our skyscrapers, or the power of our military, or the size of our economy. Our pride is based on a very simple premise, summed up in a declaration made over two hundred years ago. President Barack Obama http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/b/barack_obama_3.html
What I worry about would be that you essentially have two chambers, the House and the Senate, but you have simply, majoritarian, absolute power on either side. And that's just not what the founders intended. President Barack Obama http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/b/barack_obama_4.html
Her [Ayn Rand's] absolutism is a reasoned position that contrasts with altruistic or low self-esteem positions that value or use large doses of uncertainty or humility. Steve Wolfer http://rebirthofreason.com/Forum/Quotes/1708.shtml#3
Brink Lindsey Reason.com, "Brink Lindsey on the Classics of Conservatism--Traditional and Liberal Varieties"
Peter Suderman Gizmodo.com via Reason.com, "This Country Has Ayn Rand Written All Over It"
"The [Republican] party's Senate candidate in Nevada wants to privatize Medicare and Social Security ... I could go on, but you get the point. Democrats may be facing a tough fight this fall, but Republicans are giving them plenty of material to work with. The big political story of the year may turn out to be the consequences of the GOP's foray into extremism and wackiness." Eugene Robinson "With Friends Like These", RealClearPolitics.com
Eugene Volokh Volokh.com via Reason.com re: Ground Zero mosque
Daniel Henninger WSJ, 5 August: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748703545604575407632023079038.html?mod=WSJ_Opinion_LEADTop
David Kelley "Atlas Shrugged: From Fiction to Fact in 52 years"
Thomas Sowell http://www.theatlasphere.com/columns/100729-sowell-smart-sacrifice.php
Leonard Peikoff "Forced to be Free", Reason.com, via link at Peikoff.com
"We are sort of a mongrel people ... I mean we're all kinds of mixed up. That's actually true of white people as well, but we just know more about it." Barack H. Obama The Hill.com
[Ayn Rand] made a, I believe, an unneccessary polarity between selfishness -- or self-interest -- and altruism. She saw those as opposites. She saw that, or believed, altruism was fundamentally evil. ... I always felt like that was just inaccurate to human nature: That fundamentally human beings are both self-interested and capable of love, and that you can't understand human beings unless you see that we are both of them -- and so I reject the polarity. John Mackey http://www.booktv.org/search.aspx?For=freedomfest
Barbara Boxer Brainyquote.com
“What saved the economy and the New Deal [during the Great Depression] was the enormous public-works project known as World War II, which finally provided a fiscal stimulus adequate to the economy’s needs.” Paul Krugman
... the long-running debate between big government and small government misses the point; it isn’t relevant to today’s challenges. President Barack Obama http://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/2010/07/13/president-obama-announces-a-new-omb-director-jacob-lew
Fred Bartlett The Third Depression thread
Abraham Lincoln Abraham Lincoln, October 16, 1854, title page of Book IV of Nancy Kress's "Beggars in Spain"
"To say 'I love you' one must first be able to say the 'I.' " Ayn Rand jittery.com
H. L. Mencken LewRockwell.com
Jim Henshaw Reason.com , "David Weigel Resigns From the Washington Post", 6.26.10 @ 9:29PM
anonymous (email from a friend)
Ayn Rand Voice of Reason
Arnaud de Borchgrave Washington Times
Rather than fight the same tired battles that have dominated Washington for decades, it’s time to try something new. Let’s invest in our people without leaving them a mountain of debt. Let’s meet our responsibility to the citizens who sent us here. Let’s try common sense. President Barack Obama http://www.whitehouse.gov/omb/
Emma Lazarus http://rebirthofreason.com/Forum/ArticleDiscussions/2217_2.shtml#55
....today there is little economic freedom in America. And almost from our first day as a Nation, there was little monetary freedom; now, there is none. Henry Mark Holzer Gold and Monetary Reform
"Also invariably critics on the left accuse libertarians of being "selfish" and "greedy" and being for rich people and against ordinary people. This charge is so far off the mark and beside the point it is almost impossible to respond to. It’s like accusing a computer of being short. It has nothing to do with what a computer is." Doug Carkuff "Neither Left Nor Right" at LewRockwell.com
"While Friedman’s theoretical work is universally admired by professional economists, there’s much more ambivalence about his policy pronouncements and especially his popularizing. And it must be said that there were some serious questions about his intellectual honesty when he was speaking to the mass public." Paul Krugman Reason.com, article about Krugman, threaded comments starting at 11:51pm on 5.7.10
"I maintain, however, that the effectiveness of government versus that of private arrangements to produce goods and services is irrelevant to the issue of the desirability of government in a libertarian society. Governments are not created to produce goods and services for citizens. Rather, they are created and imposed on people by force, most often for the purpose of transferring resources from the control of those outside government to the control of those within it. Without government—or even with a weak government—predatory groups will impose themselves on people by force and create a government to extract income and wealth from these subjects." Randall G. Holcombe Government: Unnecessary but Inevitable
Barack Hussein Obama
John Locke Second Treatise of Civil Government